Thursday, February 25, 2010

Networking Series - Men's Prayer Breakfast

Here at Three Chicks Catering, we have a variety of networking groups that meet in our venue.  For the next couple of posts, we will take a more in depth look at each one so that you can see if any of these would be beneficial to you.  The first group we will be talking about is the Men’s prayer breakfast.  In their own words;

“In 1971, John Hansler, Charles Blake, and Glenn Ash started a weekly non-denominational Christian Men’s Fellowship in a location on Pacific Avenue in Tacoma, Washington.  The purpose was and is to have fellowship with one another across denominational lines;  men encouraging one another in time of need and especially extending love and concern to the non-believing male.  The group has always encouraged men of different racial backgrounds.  A man is accepted just where he is at in his life.

The agenda has never changed;  Welcome, announcements, singing, Bible Reading, sharing prayer need and answers to prayer.  We are always blessed with a different speaker each week.  The men meet every Wednesday morning from 6:45-8:00am at The VENUE.

Hundreds of prayer cards have been delivered to many different people who need help in some form.  The card is personally signed by every man in attendance and the person requesting prayer will deliver the card either in person or by mail.  We have received many, many letters from people who have been recipients of these cards.  It is always encouraging to hear how God has provided an answer to someone’s need.  The weekly Men’s Fellowship has been a great communication center with men coming from all backgrounds and various organizations.  Thus, they are able to talk about coming events in Pierce County and witness to Christ’s working in their lives.  Monies have been raised for people in need in our county and the men willingly respond in a positive manner.

The Men’s Fellowship has been a recruiting area for the Greater Tacoma Christian Laymen’s Outreach who are best remembered for their leadership in the two Billy Graham Crusades held in Tacoma and the annual Pierce County Prayer Breakfast which completed its 32nd consecutive year in February 25, 2010.  These two groups of men share much history in Pierce County.

Satellite groups in Parkland, Washington & Yuma, Arizona continue to remain active as well.”

If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Jim Westergaard aka Ol’ Rooster for more details.

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