Sunday, May 16, 2010

Couscous Gorgonzola

This recipe is an adaptation of a Couscous dish originally created by Staci Gizzi;

Couscous is that perfect dish if you are looking for something fresh, light and healthy.  You can add any ingredients you want in order to tailor the taste.  Here is a combination that works very well with a Summer BBQ.

What you need;
1 cup dry Couscous
1 1/4 cup of water
Pinch of Salt
Cilantro to taste
1 Cucumber
2 oz Gorgonzola
1 Bell Pepper
Italian Dressing to taste

Boil water and salt then mix in bowl with dry Couscous.  Cover bowl with a towel for approximately 5 minutes.  Stir and fluff cooked Couscous.  Add Gorgonzola, chopped Cilantro, chopped Cucumber, chopped Bell Pepper and Italian Dressing to taste.  Can be served warm or cold.


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